Rockstar Games Believes In Single-Player, Take-Two Boss Says

Grand Theft Auto fans have criticized Rockstar Games for not releasing much in the way of additional single-player content for GTA V, instead focusing on growing GTA Online. While it may be true that Rockstar has focused more on GTA Online–which has received more than 40 updates since launch–the studio remains committed to making single-player experiences. This is according to Strauss Zelnick, the head of Rockstar parent company Take-Two.

During Take-Two’s latest earnings briefing, Zelnick said his company has never believed that single-player games/experiences would go away. In Zelnick’s view, he sees enough space for both single-player and multiplayer experiences from Rockstar in the future.

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“There was a time when a couple of our competitors were taking the position that single-player was dead. We never took that position. We know that there’s a role for a single-player. I believe there will be a role going forward,” Zelnick said.

“Then there are certain games that are meant to be only multiplayer experiences. Rockstar is known for storytelling, and yes, Rockstar is also known for these fantastic open world [multiplayer] experiences,” he added. “They clearly do both really well.”

Zelnick pointed to GTA Online’s new expansion, The Contract, as evidence of this. “Consumers are really excited about Rockstar’s storytelling ability, and at the same time, we had a great quarter with Grand Theft Auto Online. So there’s a lot of excitement there. So the answer is sort of all of the above,” Zelnick said.

GTA Online’s The Contract expansion added all-new story content, with players stepping into the shoes of Franklin from the main campaign. Some are wondering if similar character-focused expansions might be coming for GTA V’s other main characters, Trevor and Michael, but as of yet, no announcements have been made.

GTA V has sold 160 million copies, and the game is poised to grow even bigger still when it’s released on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S in March. Looking beyond that, Rockstar just recently confirmed it is now well into the development of the next GTA game.

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About Eddie Makuch

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