Rust Airdrops And Supply Signals Guide: How To Call In An Airdrop And Survive

There are a plethora of different features that can shape a player’s experience in Rust on any given day. From the state of the server to a forced wipe to a raid on their base, random events are the name of the game when it comes to Rust. However, there’s one random event that can result in some players making out like kings and others winding up back in their bed after getting killed. An airdrop is an event that happens every so often on a Rust server. It features a plane flying over the map and dropping crates full of supplies that players can salvage if they can get to the airdrop’s location in time. There’s no way to tell when one of these airdrops will occur and the loot found inside of a given airdrop crate is also random. A part of that random loot could be an item that makes future airdrops more predictable, however.

That item is called a Supply Signal, and it allows players to call in their own airdrop on their specific location whenever they desire. The Supply Signal is exceedingly rare and difficult to obtain, as Rust players usually have to fight other players over the right to salvage one of the few airdrop crates. Below, we explain exactly how Supply Signals work and how you can go about surviving a random airdrop.

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Calling in your own Airdrop

Unfortunately for players, there’s no way to tell if an airdrop crate has a Supply Signal inside it. The loot is randomized during each airdrop, so if players want to see if they can salvage a Supply Signal, they’ll have to keep searching airdrops whenever they happen. Of course, this is much easier said than done, as dozens of other players on a given server could come running to that same airdrop for the possibility of securing their own Supply Signal.

If players do manage to pick the right crate with the Supply Signal, then they will want to run away depending on the situation with the airdrop. Getting killed with the Supply Signal in hand isn’t a great feeling. Once players have made it somewhere safe, like their base, they can choose to use the Supply Signal whenever they want. After they decide to use it, players can throw it down on the ground. This will trigger some green smoke to appear on the ground and, several seconds later, an airdrop will appear overhead and drop down some crates for the player.

Obviously, players will want to call in their airdrop in an open location. However, this location should be far enough away from other players so they won’t be able to steal the player’s crates. Once players have salvaged the crates, they should get out of the area, as other players could still come running to see if there’s any leftover loot. For this reason, players should call in the Supply Signal away from their base so other players don’t discover it.

Surviving an Airdrop

Before players can even think about calling in their own airdrop, though, they need to survive the initial one that could result in them securing a Supply Signal. The number one problem that players might face when trying to get a Supply Signal is finding an airdrop once it appears overhead. Once players hear the airdrop in the sky, they should immediately get in a vehicle, open their map, and use their cursor to track the drop as it falls from the sky. This gives players the best chance to get to the airdrop quickly and beat out other players.

Of course, players could also happen to be at or near the location an airdrop is coming. In this case, players might want to take cover somewhere and wait for the crates to fall and other players to start arriving. Players can wait for their foes to come and ambush them as soon as they get distracted by the crates. You could also choose to trap the surrounding area of the airdrop to eliminate players that way. This allows players to get the upper hand and also score some free loot from the fallen players. Still, if you find yourself near the airdrop and can get to the crates before other players show up, that’s the best way to go.

Finally, securing and surviving an airdrop is always going to be easier with a group of friends or other players on the server. As long as you trust those players to divvy up the loot from the crates, then this is among the best ways to survive the airdrop and make out with a sizable share of items. However, Rust players are notoriously greedy, so be careful around the crates even when you’re with people you think you can trust.

If you’re a newcomer to Rust, you can check out our list of beginner tips so you can understand the survival game a little better. You can also read about the forced wipes in Rust so you know exactly when your current base, loot, etc. will disappear.

About Joey Carr

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