Saints Row IV On PC Will Automatically Upgrade On December 8 For Free

Deep Silver announced that all copies of Saints Row IV on PC will automatically be upgraded to the Re-Elected Edition for free on December 8. This also applies to the PC-exclusive Saints Row IV: Game of the Century Edition.

With the Re-Elected Edition, players will have access to several additional DLC packs, such as the Enter the Dominatrix and How the Saints Save Christmas missions, as well as a bunch of outfits and weapons. Deep Silver also warned that all other versions of Saints Row IV and its separate DLC packs will be removed from PC storefronts on the same day.

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Cross-play on PC will also be added, which means that players across Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG can play together.

Saints Row IV was first released in August 2013 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. It subsequently received PS4 and Xbox One ports in 2014 with the Saints Row IV: Re-Elected Edition. It was also released on Nintendo Switch in March 2020.

In GameSpot’s Saints Row IV review, we said, “Even if combat sometimes falls into a rut, there are more than enough surprises in the game’s story missions to keep you entertained, and as in previous games, you can increase the mayhem by inviting a friend along to do missions and other activities.”

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About George Yang

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