Saints Row November Patch Will Have Over 200 Bug Fixes And Upgrades

A few months after launch, Saints Row developer Volition has begun prioritizing fixes over new content for the immediate future. Saints Row had a rough launch back in August, one which was marred by a number of bugs that had crept into the final game and which likely contributed to the mixed reception that it received from critics and fans.

“We are supporting Saints Row for the long-term, and while we’d have preferred to be talking about roadmaps and expansions, right now we feel the focus must be on telling you how we’re going to improve the Saints Row experience for all players in 2022 and beyond,” Volition wrote in a statement. “There’s a lot more we want to do, and right now our development priority is delivering improvements over new features.”

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Volition expects its next major update to land in November, and it will include more than 200 bug fixes and quality-of-life upgrades. The developer added that there’ll be a “particular focus on challenges, overall stability and co-op” in this update while it works on implementing “bigger and better improvement” based on fan feedback.

Saints Row will receive some new content in 2022 in the form of a free cosmetic pack that’ll turn your character into a walking fashion crime. More cosmetic packs will be released throughout the year, with several of these drops being exclusive to members of the Saints Row season pass.

“For as much as Saints Row differentiates itself from the bombast of its past few entries, it still closely resembles a game from the same era, leading to an experience that often feels stale and dated,” Richard Wakeling wrote in GameSpot’s Saints Row review.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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