Just like previous games in the series, Volition’s reboot of Saints Row will allow players to experiment with character customization. In an update post published to the official Saints Row website, developer Volition shared more details on how main character The Boss can be visually fine-tuned, adding that it had “built the biggest customization suite” of any Saints Row game to date.
According to Volition, players can choose to look like a “stone-cold killer or a fantastic-looking freakshow,” and there’ll be eight customizable voices–four male and four female– to choose from. Layered clothing is back, while the vehicular side of the game has a large array of customization options to go along with its revamped combat.
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One element of the new game that Volition addressed was the reveal trailer’s lack of purple, a distinctive and signature color of the Saints Row series. The setup of the new game, which reveals the origins of the Saints, is the reason why the new sandbox of Santa Ileso isn’t drenched in purple.
“We begin by showing the Saints at the start of their criminal journey, over the course of the game they form the Saints and rise to the top of the criminal underworld, reaping rewards and recruits along the way,” Volition explained. “The further they go down that path, the more you’ll see the purple ‘uniform’ come into play, and the more visually adorned with purple and fleur de lys the Saints, their HQ, and their recruits become.”
The last major point that Volition addressed was the seamless co-op that’ll be on offer, which will also be cross-gen compatible. Saint’s Row’s co-op is designed to have a drop-in and drop-out nature so that the game’s campaign can be played seamlessly with or without friends.
Saints Row arrives on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S in February 2022, a month that is starting to become very crowded with high-profile releases. In case you missed it, you can check out our Saints Row preview to see just how much of the madcap energy this new take on the classic series has.