Saints Row: The Third Comes To PS5 And Xbox Series X|S On May 25, Free For Current Owners

Saints Row: The Third Remastered will release for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on May 25, developer Volition has announced. Everyone who already owns the game on console gets the upgrade for free, though standalone pricing was not revealed. Volition says this is indeed a very impressive update, bringing the game in line with the ultra settings on PC.

Frame rate is now 60fps with dynamic 4K resolution on PS5 and Xbox Series X. Additionally, Xbox Series X users can select between a Performance mode (60fps/1080p) and a Beauty mode (30fps/4K). PS5 players apparently don’t have a choice between the two. PS5 players are getting a special bonus, however, as the DualSense controller will glow purple to match the franchise’s trademark color scheme.

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On both PlayStation and Xbox, the game has “much faster” loading times thanks to the SSDs in the machines.

In addition, it was announced that Saints Row: The Third Remastered will launch on GOG on May 22, which is also when the game comes to PC. GOG is a DRM-free platform.

Saints Row: The Third originally released in 2011, while the Remastered version released in 2020 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The new edition includes all of the game’s DLC and expansions in a single package. Along with that, the remaster updates the game’s visuals with a new lighting engine and completely reworked textures.

A sequel, Saints Row IV, was released in 2013. Saints Row: Gat out of Hell then debuted in 2015.

About Eddie Makuch

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