Scorn Gets A Release Date And Gross New Trailer At Xbox Showcase

Ebb Software’s first-person adventure game Scorn now has an official release date. Revealed today during the Xbox/Bethesda Not-E3 briefing, Scorn will debut on October 21, 2022. The game was previously confirmed for launch in October, but now we have an official date.

Microsoft also confirmed that Scorn will launch day one on Xbox Game Pass for both console and PC. Check out the new trailer from the showcase below.

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Now Playing: Scorn Trailer | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

Scorn looks and plays like a fusion of BioShock and H.R. Giger art, although the studio has mentioned in previous interviews that different art forms from painting, sculpture, architecture, and music have played an influential role in the game’s design.

Along with the release date, Ebb Software revealed a new trailer, which doesn’t really illuminate what’s actually happening in Scorn’s weird, unsettling world. It did, however, highlight some intense and bloody body horror, starting with your protagonist character tearing out a huge wet umbilical cord from their own chest, and including a bunch of scenes of seemingly interacting with other characters who are a tangle of limbs and blood, set in sprawling-looking locations that could be lifted right out of the Alien movies or Giger’s many frightening paintings.

The trailer also suggested some puzzle-solving moments and opportunities to fight writhing, meaty monstrosities, including a hammerhead shark-like creature with tentacles and a dog-like monster the player shoots with a gun that looks like it was designed by David Cronenberg.

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About Eddie Makuch

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