Sea Of Thieves Cooking Times, Best Fruits, And More

In Sea of Thieves, staying healthy can be as simple as cronching on a ripe banana, but to get the most out of your food reserves, you’ll want to know all of the nuances to cooking and eating foods. They’ll heal you at different rates and even apply buffs in some cases, so use our guide to learn every cooking time in Sea of Thieves, the healing differences among food choices, and where to find everything you need for a hearty meal. As they say, a mango a day keeps the scurvy away. Maybe.

Sea of Thieves fruits and healing tier list

Yes, like your favorite hero shooter or MOBA, the fruits in Sea of Thieves can be split into tiers. Unlike those games, however, the fruit tiers are objective and, once you get to know them, obvious. Here’s the full list of fruits alongside how much of your health bar each item will heal you per piece eaten

Fruit HP Restored (Out of 100)
Banana 20
Coconut 30
Pomegranate 40




100 per bite; two bites per fruit

Because each pirate can hold up to five food items at any time, it makes sense to swap out things like bananas and coconuts for pineapples and mangoes whenever possible. However, for even better healing aids, you’ll want to ditch the all-fruit diet and seek some animal-based proteins. Yes, in Sea of Thieves, fish and meats will serve you best, so long as you know how to cook.

Sea of Thieves cook times and meat tier list

Eating raw meats in real life will get you sick, and in Sea of Thieves, your pirate will suffer similarly when you make such a mistake. Though you can fish, scavenge shipwrecks, collect meats from defeated chickens, pigs, sharks, Megalodons, and Krakens, as well as buy a supply of meats at any Outpost if you’re sailing on a Captain’s ship, you’ll want to cook any of these items before eating them.

Each ship is equipped with a stove below the top deck, and many islands have campfires you can light using your lantern and a wood plank. Once you find yourself standing over a hot stove, making a meal for your mates, use the below cooking times table to know when your food is cooked to perfection. Remember that eating undercooked foods will cause your character to vomit for a while, while cooking burnt foods almost completely negates their healing abilities, so having these cook times in mind will prevent food waste and illness.

Food Time Until Cooked Time Until Burnt
Fish 45 seconds 1 minute, 20 seconds
Trophy Fish 1 minute, 35 seconds 2 minutes
Chicken 1 minute, 5 seconds

2 minutes


1 minute, 5 seconds

2 minutes


1 minute, 5 seconds

2 minutes


1 minute, 5 seconds

2 minutes

Megalodon 2 minutes, 5 seconds

4 minutes


2 minutes, 5 seconds

4 minutes

As you can see, you have a window of time, no matter the food, between when it’s “cooked to perfection,” and when it’s burnt. You’ll also see the food change its appearance when it goes from undercooked to cooked, and again to burnt. These cook times are strictly to help you understand how quickly you could remove a meat item if you are trying to maximize your time. After all, cooked meats sell more than raw meats–and much more than burnt meats–at any Seapost in the game, so it literally pays to cook foods in Sea of Thieves.

However, these animal-based foods also provide buffs to your health bar by applying extra health that sits in a reserve, so to speak, and is used when you take damage. To test it, eat a cooked meat item while you have all 100 HP. You’ll see the skull logo next to your health bar fill to varying degrees depending on the food item. As it fills, this becomes extra health on standby.

Also, never leave the stove unattended. A stove left burning a food item for five minutes will actually create a fire on your ship. Many pirates can tell tales of having gone deep into the caverns of The Sunken Grove only to emerge and find their ship having been set ablaze by a forgotten cut of shark meat.

It’s a great habit to load up on animal proteins before you head into tough battles, such as Skeleton Forts or PvP ship battles. It’ll give you health aids beyond just the five food items you should have in your inventory.

With all this in mind, the objectively best foods in Sea of Thieves in terms of healing efficacy are Kraken and Megalodon meats. After that, you’ll do well to keep some cooked fish or meats aboard your ship, with fruits being the third-best options–and pineapples best within that subcategory.

Stay healthy to stay wealthy in Sea of Thieves with these cooking and healing tips!

About Mark Delaney

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