Sea Of Thieves On PS5 Includes This Exclusive Feature

When Sea of Thieves launches on PS5 next month, it will feature DualSense support, Rare told GameSpot in a recent interview. This will include haptics and adaptive triggers that will be felt in a range of in-game mechanics. “[We’re giving] different identities to different objects,” said Mike Chapman, creative director on Sea of Thieves.

Though Rare didn’t specify exactly which actions will use the DualSense’s unique features–I got the sense these are still in development–there would seem to be many candidates in the game, from raising the anchor and sails, to boarding up holes in a ship’s hull, to perhaps even combat with the game’s guns and swords. Sea of Thieves has always been a very tactile, immersive experience, aided in part by the first-person perspective, so the DualSense features should feel right at home in Sea of Thieves. Whatever the case, they are one thing you won’t be able to experience in the Xbox version.

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Now Playing: Sea of Thieves On PS5 – A Message from Our Crew

The interview, which focused on the game’s upcoming PS5 launch, also included teases for what else is coming to the game, including a new loadout weapon for the first time since the game’s launch in 2018. For a deeper dive into the game’s past, present, and future, don’t miss our interview feature where Rare discusses the state of its pirate adventure game.

Sea of Thieves is coming to PS5 on April 30 as a digital-only release. All of the game’s platforms will continue to receive simultaneous updates and PS5 will be added to the game’s range of cross-play options.

Previously, Xbox’s Phil Spencer said the PS5 DualSense controller could inspire changes for Xbox’s controller. A leak last year suggested a new controller is on the way with haptic feedback, gyro controls, and more.

About Mark Delaney

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