Sea Of Thieves Patch Notes: 120fps Mode Now Available In Season 1 Update

The ongoing pirate adventure game Sea of Thieves is launching seasons, and the latest update kicks it off. Rare has now shared the full patch notes with an overview of everything it does.

As detailed in the release notes, the launch of season one brings a new progression system with the Plunder Pass, a battle pass-like system that unlocks cosmetic rewards as you gain experience called “Renown” through the season. You can obtain the Plunder Pass for $10, and it will last you through the 3-month season. This season lets you build up your rep with a Merchant Alliance by recovering lost cargo. You can also take part in new limited-time events every month.

One highlight of the update is a new 120fps Performance Mode, available on Xbox Series X for supported TVs and monitors. The notes mention that some TVs don’t support 120Hz alongside HDR, so to get the performance mode you may need to disable HDR in your console settings.

The update also includes some general quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes, which you can see in more detail below. The patch is roughly between 6-9 GB across all platforms.

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Sea of Thieves 2.0.21 Patch Notes

Outpost Cosmetics

Dark Adventurers Set

For Legends looking to flaunt their worth, the Dark Adventurers set has arrived. The Pirate Legend shop now offers the new Dark Adventurers weapons, equipment and instruments, available exclusively to those who have become Legend.

Silent Barnacle Set

The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing, equipment and weapon shops, now offer the Silent Barnacle set for purchase. Players must obtain the Hoarder of Barnacled Gold Commendation to unlock access to this set.

Bedraggled Castaway Bilge Rat Set

The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Bedraggled Castaway Bilge Rat clothing set, available to purchase for gold.

Legacy Event Cosmetics

Previous rewards from the 12 Deeds of Giving, Plundered Presents and Grogmanay Events have now been added to the Outpost shops.The Eastern Winds equipment, Frostbite Cannons, Order of Souls Bucket, Gold Hoarders Spyglass, Tankard and Speaking Trumpet can now be found in their respective stores, locked behind Commendations.

Gameplay Improvements

Arena Communication

To create a more welcoming experience when joining The Arena, changes have been made to how crews can communicate in this mode – find out more in this developer Forum post.In the Arena tavern and during active Arena gameplay, cross-crew voice chat and cross-crew text chat are now restricted, leaving non-verbal as the only cross-crew communication option.Players can continue to communicate within their own crew using all available communication options.

Recommended Crew Size

When browsing the Ship Selection Screen, each ship now indicates the crew size recommended to operate the vessel.


120Hz Performance Mode

On the Xbox Series X console, a performance mode is available supporting 120Hz at 1080p. Some TVs do not support 120Hz and HDR simultaneously, so HDR may need to be disabled from the Console Settings.

Larinna’s Black Market

The Black Market ‘Goodies for Gold’ tab has been removed and the Ritual Skull Stash Voyage moved to the Doubloon store.

Fixed Issues


Reduced the frequency of players encountering an extended black screen or becoming stuck when using a mermaid or returning from the Ferry of the Damned.Skeleton ships should now take hull damage when on fire.When performing consecutive heavy cutlass strikes, the lunge animation should now show correctly when blocking between each strike.Opening or closing a Collector’s Chest held by another player should now correctly show as opened or closed for the player holding it.Items inside a Collector’s Chest should now only be retrievable when the chest is open.Washed-up items should no longer appear to hover above ground when leaving the area and coming back.The Frozen Horizon and Nightshine Parrot Wheels have been modified to make it more obvious when the ship is sailing straight.The Sailor Cannon Flare now has the correct name and description.

Pirate Emporium

The Soulflame Ship Bundle now uses the correct local currency pricing.

Mysterious Notes

Notes should now read correctly, even when shown to others.Stowing a Mysterious Note and re-equipping it from the radial should result in it being wielded as expected.

Tall Tales

Vault Totems acquired during a Tall Tale can no longer be sold to representatives of the Gold Hoarders or Reaper’s Bones.‘Shores of Gold’ – While exploring the Shores of Gold, if another crew starts the Tall Tale the medallions should no longer appear in the air within the Vault.


To improve readability, the font size in Korean and Chinese languages has been increased in a range of areas along with additional punctuation.


During the Fort of the Damned encounter, a number of areas where Graymarrow could become stuck on the surrounding environment have been improved.Players should no longer get stuck on a broken staircase after exiting the Gold Hoarder Throne Room.Players should no longer be able to fall or see through the environment on Shark Bait Cove.Players should no longer get stuck and teleported when attempting to ascend the stairs in a tavern.Players should no longer be able to swim under the map on Plunder Outpost.

Visual and Audio

Sound should no longer become distorted and increase in volume when a player surfaces from water or is briefly submerged by a wave.During a Ghost Ship encounter, Captain Ghost Ships should now use portals to spawn and teleport.The sails equipped on Skeleton and Ghost Ships now consistently appear in high quality.The Castaway Bilge Rat Eyepatch icon has been updated.The Confusion and Face, Meet Palm emotes should now have appropriate iconography.Having multiple Riddle Quests for one island should no longer cause music to trigger multiple times.Approaching a lit beacon with an unraised lit lantern should no longer show an empty tooltip.Island banners should now have appropriate iconography in The Ancient Isles and The Shores of Plenty.Buying items, Voyages and Titles should no longer cause a black grid to flash up on the screen.

Performance and Stability

When trying to join a crew that has disbanded, players should now receive an appropriate error message.While Sea of Thieves is suspended, joining a game should no longer cause instability.Further improvements made to server performance, reducing latency during gameplay.Improvements made to server stability, reducing disconnections during gameplay.

Known Issues

Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection

In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this continues to be a key priority for the team.

Players Impacted Following Server Migration

We are currently tracking a number of player-impacting issues which can occur following a server migration. These include crews migrating near Outposts finding themselves moved to a location where another ship is already present, and issues with ship interaction points following a migration.

Stuck UI Menus

When interacting with a barrel and moving quickly through its inventory, players may find that the barrel’s state is not updated as items are removed. Players can also experience Game Options becoming stuck on screen when exiting a barrel in this state.

To learn more about known issues in Sea of Thieves currently being tracked and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

Download and Installation

Download size:

Xbox Series X: 8.82 GBXbox Series S: 6.01 GBXbox One X: 8.82 GBXbox One: 6.01 GBWindows 10: 8.56 GBSteam: 6.65 GB

About Steve Watts

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