Sea Of Thieves Season 7: Start Date, New Ship Features, And More

Sea of Thieves Season 7 is nearly here, and if you’re eager to drop sails and raise anchor, you’ll want to learn everything there is to know about the new season. Season 7 of Sea of Thieves is themed more than most that have come before it. This time, the focus on all about pirate captains, the once-unofficial designation players will often give themselves or a crewmate of theirs–the team leader, so to speak. But this out-of-game title is getting some major in-game support with Season 7, thanks to a number of incoming features, including the official designation of a captain in your crew. Here’s everything you need to prepare for Sea of Thieves Season 7’s start date.

Sea of Thieves Season 7 launch date

Season 7 sets sail for adventure on July 21, and Sea of Thieves updates typically go live in the early morning hours in the Pacific time zone, though slight delays (in minutes or hours, not days aren’t unhead of, so your best bet is to keep an eye on the official Sea of Thieves Twitter account on that day.

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New features in Season 7

This season will focus on letting players role-play as true captains of their crew with immersive, long-sought-after features. Here we’ll break them down piece by piece.

Ship loadouts

With Season 7, you’ll be able to save custom ship loadouts for easy access at all Shipwright shops on the game’s various outposts. Rather than need to re-select a new hull paint job, sails, cannons, and so on, you’ll be able to save various preset styles so you can dress your ship in the right colors for any occasion.

Name your ship

At long last, the crests positioned over your captain’s quarter won’t be left blank. Starting with Season 7, you’ll be able to name your ship–provided it’s an appropriate name as the jokey trailer above notes. If you don’t have a name picked out yet, now’s the time to start brainstorming. I’m going with The Black Rock as a nod to Lost.

Customize your captain’s cabin

Your captain’s cabin will be customizable for the first time ever in Sea of Thieves starting with Season 7. The trailer above hints at some of the brand-new cosmetic options you’ll have available to you, such as wall art to hang, shelf trinkets to display, and more. For pirates who know that style is half the battle, these new options look to be just the thing they’re looking for. Though it’s not confirmed yet, it may be the case that the Season 7 Plunder Pass will come with its own captain’s room rewards.

Sell loot more easily to The Sovereigns

Even the most enthusiastic pirate will tell you sometimes selling loot in Sea of Thieves takes longer than it should, especially when playing in smaller crews or solo. Even a well-oiled assembly line of pirates at an outpost can take several minutes to unhaul a treasury room’s loot. Sea of Thieves Season 7 looks to streamline this process by introducing The Sovereigns and a new currency called Cash-In Points.

Though the full details of this system are yet to be fully understood, we can reasonably infer how it works from the trailer above. Sovereigns will set up at all outposts as a new merchant to visit and you’ll be able to sell off your various loot items in one place. It seems you’ll no longer need to hand off your various treasures to their corresponding merchants such as the Gold Hoarders or Order of Souls, though this may be dependent on having enough Cash-In Points to use this streamlined feature.

As we learn more about this system up to and after the launch of Season 7, we’ll be bringing you a full guide on how it all works.

Keep a captain’s log

Though the trailer focused on a few major features, a snippet of the video offers a look at some other new features. One of them was the ability to “chronicle a captain’s log,” which sounds like the game will now visualize–perhaps in the form of a Tall Tales-like book–each voyage on which you embark in Sea of Thieves. As the role-playing community is a lively one in Sea of Thieves, this seems like it’ll be a fun vanity project for pirates looking to create more memories with other swashbuckers.

Choose from different playstyles

The last detail teased in the trailer is the ability to choose from different playstyles. We can only guess what this means for now, but allow us to do so anyway. Perhaps this indicates that players will be able to set preferences for certain types of lobbies. Just as Xbox players can remove PC cross-play and avoid villainous mouse-and-keyboard players, it sounds like players will also be able to tell the game to group them in instances where players are interested in things like PvP, PvE, alliances, or other filters.

Keep in mind that this is our best guess for now, but as we learn more, we’ll update this guide. Keep it here as we prepare to bring the horizon with Sea of Thieves Season 7.

Sea Of Thieves Guide: 9 Useful Tips To Know Before StartingSee More

About Mark Delaney

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