Season, the biking adventure game first revealed by Scavengers Studio at the 2020 Game Awards, has re-emerged as Season: A letter to the future in a brand-new gameplay trailer shown during the latest PlayStation State of Play. The trailer further showcases the game’s standout art style and its quaint gameplay that includes snapping photos, biking through fields and down hills, and meeting strangers on your travels.
See it for yourself in this new trailer that combines lots of gameplay with some hints of story.
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Now Playing: Season: A Letter To The Future Gameplay Trailer | Sony State of Play June 2022
Scavengers Studio’s previous game, Darwin Project, offered a very different experience as a frantic survival-craft battle royale where a “Show Director” and spectators can influence the match, such as deciding where to drop bombs and close off the arena. Season’s vibe is almost a polar opposite, and seems intent to slow pacing to a crawl.
Though the game itself comes off as tranquil and pleasant, the studio was previously mired in controversy stemming from allegations of inappropriate behavior by the studio’s CEO at a party. The subsequently discreet reaction by the studio’s other leaders, which included a demotion of the accused person, created a rift where some employees felt no action was taken at all, which the team later called “regrettable.” When the story was spread more widely, it led to CEO Amélie Lamarche stepping down indefinitely while the accused employee, former CEO and then-creative director Simon Darveau, was permanently let go after having been found to be at fault.
An independent audit of the team’s workplace environment concluded “[w]hile there are workplace behaviors that still require improvement, the presence of systemic sexual or psychological harassment at the Studio [was not found],” according to an official statement released on the company’s website in June 2021.
The team said it has identified key areas that need improvement and seems ready to put the issue behind it. Season: A letter to the future is scheduled to release this fall on PC via Steam, as well as PS5 and PS4.