Sega And Tencent Will Not Attend E3

E3 is losing two more exhibitors, Sega and Tencent. With Ubisoft’s recent announcement it’s skipping the event, along with other publishers like Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft saying they’re out as well, the general state of E3 is under question.

This info comes via an IGN report, in which various industry sources also expressed confusion over what’s exactly happening at E3. The sources said there has been “a significant lack of communication” from organizers ReedPop and ESA, and that they “hadn’t heard of anyone else who was planning to attend for sure.”

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While only Tencent and Sega confirmed to IGN they’d be skipping the event, the publication said it understands that there are other companies also not attending that have not gone public with an announcement yet. “After careful consideration, we have decided not to participate in E3 2023 as an exhibitor,” Sega told IGN. “We look forward to sharing more information on announced and unannounced projects in the future.”

According to IGN, event organizer ReedPop is also due for an internal shakeup next month, with company president Lance Fensterman leaving and vice president Michael Kisken filling his role.

E3 2023 was supposed to mark the return of the iconic industry event after four years, but there appears to be significant concern among the industry about whether or not E3 will proceed forward. ReedPop and ESA did not respond to IGN’s request for comment, and also haven’t issued any official announcement with more info on what’s expected at E3.

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About Jenny Zheng

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