Sega's First Blockchain Game Is On The Way

Sega’s first blockchain game has been announced, though it’s being developed by Japanese blockchain company Double Jump Tokyo.

Double Jump Tokyo announced the news earlier this week, where it shared in a Medium post that the game would be based on the Sangokushi Taisen series, a real-time strategy game predominantly played on arcades in Japan that uses real, physical cards to play with.

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The Sangokushi Taisen series is based on the classic 14th century Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, where players face off against their opponents, attempting to attack the enemy’s castle, with the player who has the most health winning the battle.

In a statement, Double Jump Tokyo CEO and founder Hironobu Ueno spoke of the Oasys chain the game will use, saying, it “aims to solve obstacles for gamers, offering fast transactions and zero gas fees and providing users with a more comfortable gameplay experience.”

No details on what the game is actually going to be like were provided in the Medium post, the announcement more being about the incorporation of blockchain than anything else.

Square Enix also announced its involvement with the Oasys blockchain platform earlier this month, as part of its continued efforts to ignore one of the major themes in one of its most popular games.

Earlier this year, Sega shared some more details on its Super Game project, which at the time hadn’t solidified the company’s NFT plans. Sega also trademarked “Sega NFT” in January of this year, so despite the widespread controversy and general disdain for the technology, plans do appear to be going ahead to incorporate the technology.

About Oisin Kuhnke

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