Silent Hill: Ascension Explores Classic Themes With A Community-Led Episodic Format

Silent Hill: Ascension will explore tried-and-true themes with a community-led, episodic approach. A new behind-the-scenes look at Silent Hill: Ascension clarifies the game’s take on serial, interactive storytelling and its exploration of the franchise’s mythology and themes.

As previously revealed, viewers of Silent Hill: Ascension will watch episodes and make decisions simultaneously as part of live “story events.” Decisions will be permanent, which means that, unlike other games of this kind, viewers will not be able to go back and see how a different decision would affect the story. Fans can view episodes after live “story events,” for an as yet undetermined amount of time, and their decisions will count as part of the “voting process.”

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Now Playing: SILENT HILL: Ascension | An Inside Look Trailer | KONAMI

The episodic game will explore Silent Hill’s key themes across locations around the globe, involving a diverse ensemble cast. Silent Hill 2 is the clear primary inspiration. In the video, developers discuss wanting to create a horrifying setting and loathsome creatures that reflect the complex traumas of the central cast. Like previous games, the characters will be thrown into mysterious, supernatural circumstances without clear reasoning. As the series progresses, the central mysteries will be begin to resolve and viewers will discover more about who the characters really are.

Silent Hill: Ascension was announced alongside a Silent Hill 2 remake from Blooper Team, a Silent Hill 2 film adaptation, and Silent Hill f, a mysterious, brand-new title from Resident Evil Re:Verse devs and When They Cry writer Ryukishi07.

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About Grace Benfell

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