Silent Hill Could Be Getting Two Reboots, With One From The Medium Dev – Report

Konami might not be preparing one, but two new Silent Hill entries, with one Japanese developer preparing for a reveal this summer.

The report, compiled by VGC, suggests that Konami might be preparing two different reboots of the popular horror franchise, with one already well into development at a Japanese studio. Bloober Team, developer of The Medium, could potentially be working on the other, with CEO Piotr Babieno confirming that the studio has been working on a horror IP from a “very famous gaming publisher.”

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“We’ve been working for more than a year on another gaming project, another horror IP, and we’re doing this with a very famous gaming publisher,” Babieno said in an interview with “I can’t tell you who. I can’t tell you what the project is, but I’m pretty sure when people realize we’re working on it, they will be very excited.”

This would line up with other hints that Bloober might be working on its own Silent Hill entry. Earlier this year, famed Silent Hill composer Akira Yamaoka confirmed that he was working with Bloober on another game outside of The Medium. Just a few weeks ago, Yamaoke also appeared on a video where he teased a project he described as “the one you’ve been hoping to hear about.” The video was quickly taken offline, with Konami denying involvement.

VGC reports that Konami previously approached Until Dawn developer Supermassive Games to develop a Silent Hill entry, but plans fell through and the deal was never signed. Supermassive is currently working on an anthology series called The Dark Pictures, instead. The next installment, The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes, will release later this year.

The Silent Hill being developed in Japan will also reportedly be a departure from the series’ familiar gameplay, which could be why Konami might also have shopped around another more traditional reboot idea.

Bloober Team recently confirmed that it was looking to add more combat mechanics to its next title, after The Medium depended solely on exploration and puzzle-solving. Considering how similar The Medium is to Silent Hill in its presentation, it’s not difficult to imagine Bloober tackling the long-dormant franchise next.

About Alessandro Barbosa

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