"Single-Player MMO-Like" Erenshor Lets You Adventure On Your Own Time, Demo Out Now

MMOs like Everquest, Runescape, and World Of Warcraft often require a major time investment to fully appreciate, along with ample coordination between your clanmates in order to tackle the biggest raids. Erenshor–a “single-player MMO-like” from indie studio Burgee Media–is attempting a new and less restrictive approach with the lone player in mind, thanks to a few novel additions to the formula.

The single-player approach of Erenshor means that players can step away from the game at will, with no negative repercussions, even if the party is in the middle of a raid. Furthermore, the player can return right where they left off–including the aforementioned “middle of a raid”–when they return to the game.

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Now Playing: Erenshor – Shivering Step Demo Update Trailer

To maintain the MMO experience without other players, Erenshor creates randomly generated special teammates called “SimPlayers” that will aid in the adventure. SimPlayers will join the player’s party, accompany them on quests and missions, and continue to progress while the player is logged off, which will give the player an extra leg up when they return to the game.

The world of Erenshor is broken up into different “zones”–cities, dungeons, tombs, forests, and mountain ranges are some examples–and each zone can be fully explored right from the start of the game. Every zone is also populated by hundreds of NPCs separate from SimPlayers, with whom the player can receive quests and unique dialogue options.

Erenshor does not have a set launch window as of this writing. However, an updated demo for Erenshor is available now on Steam, which adds a new spooky-themed area called Shivering Step, six bosses, new items, and over a dozen hours of new gameplay.

About Jason Fanelli

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