Skate 2 was among the 70+ titles added to the Xbox backwards compatibility library this week, but players hoping to make the most of the game and its online features don’t have long to do so.
The game’s Twitter account announced that Skate 2’s online servers will shut down on December 10, 2021, for Xbox and PlayStation. “It’s not an easy decision and not something we take lightly,” the account said.
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The developer referred players to a boilerplate message from EA about end-of-service updates like this one for Skate 2, saying EA simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to support every game over time.
“The development teams and operational staff pour their hearts into our games, their features and modes almost as much as the players, and it is hard to see one retired,” EA said. “As games are replaced with newer titles, the number of players still enjoying the games that have been live for some time dwindles to a level–typically fewer than 1% of all peak online players across all EA titles– where it’s no longer feasible to continue the behind-the-scenes work involved with keeping the online services for these games up and running.”
While Skate 2’s online functionality is going away soon, the game will likely remain playable in an offline state. Additionally, Skate 3 is on backwards compatibility with online support, and Skate 4 is on the way in the future as well.
76 games came to backwards compatibility on Monday as part of the Xbox 20th anniversary celebrations–you can see the full list of new backwards compatible games here. In other Xbox news, Microsoft surprise-launched Halo Infinite’s multiplayer beta, and it’s out now for everyone.
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