Skate 4 Leaked Videos Show Off Fun City's Massive Multiplayer Space

Several videos of Skate 4 have leaked online, showing off more of the game in action. The leaks come from a recent closed playtest of the game and provide a glimpse at Skate 4’s map, customization features, and some of the in-game microtransactions being tested.

While some videos were briefly on YouTube, these were taken down and players began hosting them on Reddit instead (via Eurogamer). The footage shows off a massive multiplayer space that can be explored, while other footage shows off a skate park that has been modified with elements from a build pack. Customization also appears to be a big part of the game, as players can deck their skater out in a range of gear, take photos, and share them with the Skate community.

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This ties into an earlier report of a collaborative “free skate” mode where players can make skate parks out of thin air and in real time, with the mode placing a greater emphasis on user-generated content when it releases, according to Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb back in April.

Skate 4 is currently being developed by Full Circle, an EA studio that includes veterans from the original Skate trilogy and is led by former Xbox Live general manager Daniel McCulloch. For a more official look at the game, you can check out the pre-pre-pre-alpha Skate 4 gameplay footage that was released last month.

If you’d like to play the game–and stick to a non-disclosure agreement–while giving Full Circle some feedback, you can sign up at the Skate Insider site. Currently, testing is only available on PC, but it will be expanded to other platforms in the future.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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