Skull And Bones Gets New Trailer, Info At Ubisoft Forward

Today during Ubisoft Forward, the publisher released a new trailer and shared new details on its long-in-development swashbuckling pirate game Skull and Bones.

The trailer shows off more of Skull and Bones’ world that is set during the golden age of piracy. It also touches upon a new feature surrounding smuggling networks, which are in-game trading networks for players to help build their infamy and renown in the pirate world. The trailer also spotlights Skull and Bones’ ship-building and customization options, which look to be pretty extensive.

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Players can only unlock the smuggling networks when they have “earned the right to know.”

“To achieve that, you’ll have to grow your Infamy and eventually unlock your own pirate lair–known as The Helm–which becomes the base of your smuggling operations,” Ubisoft said. “This is where you’ll be able to manufacture high-value goods like Rum and Opium before selling them to whoever’s got the deepest pockets. From here, you’ll also have more leeway to choose your own contracts, rather than be at the mercy of other pirate kingpins.”

In terms of customization, players will be able to tinker with how their ships maneuver, how powerful they are, and what perks they might have. The Sambuk ship, for example, helps players do more damage with fired weapons. The Brig, meanwhile, can deal more damage when it’s anchored. Every ship can be outfitted with its own weapons, ammo, armor, furniture, and cosmetic items. Check out the video below to learn more.

In terms of weaponry, Ubisoft said players will need to strategically decide how to outfit their ships to have the most success in the high seas.

“Do you prefer to sink enemy vessels and plunder their watery remains? Then you’ll want piercing ammo, which punches through armor and lets the water rush in, or fire ammo, which can wreak all kinds of havoc on a big wooden structure,” Ubisoft said. “If you want to disable ships for easy boarding, however, tearing ammo will make short work of their sails. And there’s a huge variety of weapons to choose from, with different cannons, ballistae, mortars, rocket launchers, and even torpedoes, each with unique damage types to keep your enemies guessing.”

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Every weapon can be countered by specific types of armor. For example, leather is strong against fire damage. “Learning to recognize what your enemies are using to protect themselves, and responding with a weapon that can completely destroy it, is one of many ways to survive at sea,” Ubisoft said.

You can also read the full Ubisoft blog post to learn more about what’s new in Skull and Bones.

Skull and Bones launches on November 8, but as part of Ubisoft Forward today, the company reminded players they can sign up for the game’s PC insider program to play it early.

The Biggest Games And Announcements From Ubisoft Forward 2022See More

About Eddie Makuch

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