Skull And Bones – How To Find Dragon's Back Outpost

If you want to unlock some of the most important blueprints in Skull and Bones, you need to find a variety of different outposts across the map. Some blueprints are only sold by specific merchants who are located at a single outpost, making it imperative that you explore the East Indies as much as possible.

However, even if you’ve explored a solid chunk of the map, there are likely some outposts you have missed. One of those might be Dragon’s Back, which is tucked away on a small island in a remote location. Dragon’s Back is a terrific outpost with a couple of high-profile blueprints and an intriguing contract. You can see the exact location of Dragon’s Back and what you can purchase there in the guide below.

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Dragon’s Back location in Skull and Bones

Dragon’s Back is located on an island in the Islands of the Moon region in Skull and Bones. You have to sail directly toward the island before you even get an icon indicating that something of significance is nearby. The island you’re looking for is on the northern side of the Islands of the Moon text on the map. It’s the largest island out of the three that encompass the region, as you can see in the screenshot below:

The outpost is located on the northeast side of the island and once you’re close enough to it, you can disembark and explore everything it has to offer. I suggest first talking to the Ungwana Merchant who’s right nearby where you dock your ship, who has a variety of blueprints, resources, and food on hand.

More specifically, the merchant sells the blueprint for the Fire Long Gun I, which is a fantastic upgrade over the regular Long Gun cannon. The fire variant sets whatever you hit ablaze, dealing more damage. In addition to the Fire Long Gun I, you can buy some other smaller blueprints, such as the Bombard Bomb Crate, cosmetics for you and your ship, and a plethora of food. The merchant also has a contract available called “We Seek Warriors,” which is a fairly easy contract to complete.

After you speak with the Ungwana Merchant, you can head over and spread powder at the Pirate’s Bonfire, which raises your crew’s stamina for 30 minutes. There’s also a pirate camp with additional vendors that sell more resources as well as a Fara Camp. The Fara Camp vendor sells Fara-specific cosmetics in addition to regular resources.

That wraps up everything you need to know about finding and exploring the Dragon’s Back outpost in Skull and Bones. If you’re looking for more outposts, you can read our previous guide about where to find the Sacred Tree outpost.

About Joey Carr

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