Skull And Bones Will Be Able To Run In 4K With An Uncapped FPS Setting On PC

Ubisoft has revealed more information about its upcoming game Skull and Bones. The publisher shared more information on the PC specs, anti-cheat software, customizations, and more.

PC players will be able to run this game at 4K HDR, with an uncapped FPS setting. Players will also have the option to upscale their images with ray tracing, DLSS, and FSR. They’ll even be able to change input settings for a more fluid experience.

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BattleEye will be the anti-cheat software used in Skull and Bones. It’ll permanently ban players on their first offense if any cheats have been used and detected to give them an unfair advantage.

Skull and Bones will have a skill-based matchmaking system. Players will be thrown into servers based on their Infamy level and PvP preference. There’ll also be an option to report or block other players for having “disruptive behavior in the game.” Ubisoft will also have dedicated servers in the following regions:

North AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeAsiaSouth AfricaOceania

Skull and Bones is scheduled to release on November 8 on the Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, Stadia, and PC.

For more Skull and Bones news, be sure to check out these stories:

Skull And Bones: Everything We Know About Ubisoft Singapore’s Pirate GameSkull And Bones Lets You Get Off Your Ship And Play As A Pirate, But Not As Often As I’d LikeSkull and Bones: Ship’s Log #1

About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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