Sky: Children Of Light Is Coming To PlayStation

Thatgamecomapny announced at the Tokyo Game Show that its mobile game Sky: Children of Light will be launching on PlayStation in December.

The game will be free-to-play and will provide cross-play for mobile and console players.

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Now Playing: Sky: Children of the Light Thatskystory Trailer

Sky: Children of Light is an interactive social game where players peacefully work together towards a goal and, in the process, unlock new abilities. The game was initially released on the iPhone, then in 2020, was released on Google Play, and then again on the Nintendo Switch in 2021.

Since the game’s launch in 2019, it’s won various awards, such as Google Play Store’s Best Indie Games of 2020, iPhone Game of the Year, Apple’s 2020 Design Award, and more.

Be sure to check out GameSpot’s Sky: Children of Light review, where Alessandro Barbosa wrote, “Sky is both different to everything thatgamecompany has made before but also a smart evolution of what makes its games special. It’s simple to play while feeling incredible at the same time, making the act of flight exciting every time your feet leave the ground. It also features a fascinating spin on in-game purchases, locking its most alluring rewards behind the action of making friends and making a positive enough impression on them.”

For more Sky: Children of Light news, be sure to check out our interview with Jenova Chen.

About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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