Skyrim Players Can Finally Pet Dogs Thanks To New PC Mod

Almost ten years after it launched, one modder has added a feature to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that fans have been asking for. PC players who have been eager to give their pooches optimistic affirmation and confirmation that they are indeed good boys, can download Pet The Dogs – Animations from Nexus mods.

“I couldn’t believe it’s the year 2021 of our Lord Talos and you still couldn’t pet dogs in Skyrim. Well, I say NO MORE,” mod creator Jayserpa wrote. Once installed, the mod can be used to deliver a trio of different positive pats depending on the dog’s position. Standing, sitting, or lying down will result in one of three actions being played, but as Jayserpa noted, these aren’t perfect animations.

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The mod works best when used in third-person mode, and players will need to make certain that they’re not holding a weapon or a prepared spell before moving in for precision pats. That’s Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus developer MachineGames’ job, as traumatized players will tell you.

Giving attention to a dog that clearly deserves praise has become one of the more mandatory features of any game that features faithful canine partners. Marvel’s Avengers recently added an option to pet Lucky the Pizza Dog in its new Hawkeye DLC, Ghost of Tsushima has no shortage of foxes–which are technically wild dogs with a terrific laugh–to pat on the head, and Monster Hunter Rise has a total of four different petting animations for canine comrades.

If you’re curious to see more games that have this feature, it’s worth following Can You Pet the Dog? on Twitter to stay updated.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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