The new, revamped PlayStation Plus is now available in Asia and as a part of the rollout, a number of the classic games included in the subscription service are also being made available for individual purchase. However, some players have noticed that a number of the classic games are based on their slower, 50hz PAL versions, Video Games Chronicle reports.
The PAL versions were first noted by an Indonesian user playing the PlayStation 1 version of Ape Escape, who noted that the game credited Sony Computer Entertainment Europe instead of America or Japan. The game also runs at 25fps instead of 30fps.
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VGC reports that all first-party PlayStation games in the Deluxe PS Plus tier’s Classics catalog are based on European PAL versions. Some third-party games including both Worms titles, World Party, and Armageddon are also PAL versions, while other games like Tekken 2, Abe’s Oddysee, Syphon Filter, and Mr. Driller are available in a NTSC format.
While Indonesia is a region that uses the PAL format, it’s been confirmed that the PAL versions of the games are also being distributed in Taiwan, a region that has always used NTSC.
This issue has come up before with re-releases of classic PlayStation games, with many of the games on the PlayStation Classic console using the PAL editions of games, even when released in North America. Sony never issued an explanation as to why the PAL versions were used, which run slower than the 60hz NTSC format.