Someone Is Trying To Remake Dark And Darker In Fortnite

PvPvE dungeon-crawler Dark and Darker was pulled from Steam due to an ongoing legal dispute, but a player is currently working on recreating the game within Fortnite’s Creative 2.0 mode.

The user, known as Fermelon on Reddit (via Eurogamer), shared a work-in-progress clip, which features assets and a tone similar to Dark and Darker. Fermelon’s clip seems fleshed out, but given Epic Games’ strict stance on copyrighted IP created within Fortnite, it’s unclear if this fan-made project will ever be completed.

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“Works of nostalgia are cool, but most of the time they’re going to be other people’s work and they’re likely not going to give permission,” Epic Games founder Tim Sweeney said to IGN. “And we really urge everybody to think about what can we really do to create news genres or games and really very original things.”

In March, Dark and Darker was pulled from Steam due to a DCMA takedown and cease-and-desist notice from Korean publisher Nexon. The company claimed that Dark and Darker’s developer Ironmace used stolen code and assets from Nexon’s project P3–a game that never saw the light of day. P3 was actually created by some developers who went on to work at Ironmace.

Ironmace says Nexon’s claims are “distorted,” and says it’s working with a legal team “to remedy this issue in the best manner possible.” It’s unknown if and when Dark and Darker will return to Steam, but players may get to check out a fan-made version within Fortnite if Epic doesn’t take it down first.

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About Joseph Yaden

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