Sony Announces PS5's Project Leonardo, A Customizable Accessibility Controller

During the Sony CES 2023 press conference, Sony Interactive Entertainment chairman Jim Ryan announced Project Leonardo, a new accessibility controller kit for PlayStation 5.

Project Leonardo features a circular base and a kit of swappable buttons and joysticks that can be fully customized to the player’s specific needs. It was developed “with key contributions from accessibility experts, community members, and game developers,” according to the official PlayStation Blog post. Sony has released a video speaking more about the project, and an image of the controller can be found below.

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Now Playing: Introducing Project Leonardo for PlayStation 5 (Perspectives from Accessibility Experts)

The PlayStation Blog also states the PS5 will allow those using the Project Leonardo controller to fully customize controls across all software, including mapping multiple buttons to the same area. Multiple Leonardo controllers can be paired–as can DualSense controllers–in order to be used as a single controller.

“Because players can customize Project Leonardo according to their needs, there is no one ‘right’ form factor,” Sony designer So Morimoto says in the blog post. “I am excited that the design will be completed through collaboration with players rather than presenting them with a single form factor.”

No official release information, including price or release date, was mentioned in the blog, only that the controller is still “currently in development.”

About Jason Fanelli

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