Sony Seemingly Confirms God Of War: Ragnarok As Game's Official Name, But Maybe Not

After ads for the new God of War game teased “Ragnarok is coming,” God of War: Ragnarok became the easiest way to refer to the as-yet-untitled sequel to 2018’s God of War. Now, it seems as though Sony has accidentally confirmed the subtitle is official through a logo included in an investor presentation.

The document from Sony’s IR Day 2021 covers Sony’s gaming division, going over some key data from the PS5 launch as well as some of the games both upcoming and already released for the PS5. On a slide showing the PS5’s post-launch lineup, the previously unofficial name “God of War: Ragnarok” appears as a logo, which was picked up by Fanbyte’s Imran Khan.

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While it’s tempting to count this as a confirmation that the next God of War will in fact be called Ragnarok, Khan did a little more digging, finding that the logo used was actually a fan-designed graphic from artist Mike LeMieux.

While it’s still possible that the game is indeed called “God of War: Ragnarok,” which led a Sony staffer to rip this image off Google for the presentation, it’s also very likely that the entire graphic was included by mistake.

While no official comment has been made by Sony or Santa Monica Studio, God of War director Cory Barlog tweeted a facepalm gif, presumably reacting to the Ragnarok situation.

Much about the upcoming sequel is still unknown, despite consistently ranking as one of 2021’s most anticipated games. It’s still unclear whether the game will release on PS4, or whether it will be available exclusively for the PS5.

About Hayley Williams

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