Sony Unveils Partial List Of Games For Revamped PlayStation Plus

Sony has confirmed a list of games that will be available as part of its overhauled PS Plus subscription service, which includes a selection of PS4 and PS5 titles for the PS Plus Extra and Premium tiers. Several games from PlayStation Studios–Marvel’s Spider-Man, Returnal, and Demon’s Souls–will be made available in the new Game Catalog alongside third-party titles such as Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Control: Ultimate Edition, and Mortal Kombat 11.

Classic games from the original PlayStation and PlayStation Portable will also be made available through a smaller library, which also includes a mix of first and third-party games. Ape Escape, Syphon Filter, and Wild Arms 3 are just some of the games joining the list, alongside Tekken 2 and several more. Sony says that the classic games will come with a new user interface, menus, and quality-of-life features that allow a user to rewind gameplay and save their progress at any point.

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Players who have previously purchased the digital versions of these classic games won’t have to buy them again or sign up to PS Plus to access them on PS4 or PS5. “When these titles are released for PS4 and PS5, players can head to PlayStation Store and download a version for the consoles at no extra cost if they already own the digital version of the title,” Sony said in a blog post. “Some of the titles will also be available for individual purchase.”

Sony also included a partial list of which PS3 games will be available through streaming and upcoming game trials. PS Plus Essential, which is essentially the same as the current PS Plus, will still continue to offer two free games as part of the subscription every month, but the PS Plus Extra and Premium users will be able to access additional games in the middle of the month according to Sony. The number of games refreshed will vary per month.

For more information on how PlayStation Plus is changing next month, check out our PS Plus guide. You can also learn about Ubisoft+ support for the revamped PS Plus.

PS4 And PS5 Game Catalog — PS Plus Extra and PS Plus Premium

PlayStation Studios

AlienationBloodborneConcrete GenieDays GoneDead Nation Apocalypse EditionDeath Stranding and Death Stranding Director’s CutDemon’s SoulsDestruction AllStarsEverybody’s GolfGhost Of Tsushima Director’s CutGod of WarGravity Rush 2Gravity Rush RemasteredHorizon Zero DawnInfamous First LightInfamous Second SonKnackLittleBigPlanet 3LocoRoco RemasteredLocoRoco 2 RemasteredMarvel’s Spider-ManMarvel’s Spider-Man: Miles MoralesMatterfallMediEvilPatapon RemasteredPatapon 2 RemasteredResogunReturnalShadow of the ColossusTearaway UnfoldedThe Last GuardianThe Last of Us RemasteredThe Last of Us: Left BehindUntil DawnUncharted The Nathan Drake CollectionUncharted 4: A Thief’s EndUncharted: The Lost LegacyWipEout Omega Collection

Third Party-Partners

AshenAssassin’s Creed ValhallaCelesteCities: SkylinesControl: Ultimate EditionDead CellsFinal Fantasy XV Royal EditionHollow KnightMarvel’s Guardians of the GalaxyMortal Kombat 11Narutoshippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4NBA 2K22Outer WildsRed Dead Redemption 2Resident EvilSoulcalibur VIThe Artful EscapeThe Crew 2

Classic Games Catalog

PlayStation Studios

Ape EscapeHot Shots GolfI.Q. Intelligent QubeJumping Flash!Syphon FilterSuper Stardust Portable

Third Party Partners

Mr. DrillerTekken 2Worms World PartyWorms Armageddon

Classic Games Catalog – Remasters

PlayStation Studios

Ape Escape 2Arc The Lad: Twilight of the SpiritsDark CloudDark Cloud 2FantaVisionHot Shots TennisJak IIJak 3Jak X: Combat RacingJak and Daxter: The Precursor LegacyRogue GalaxySirenWild Arms 3

Third Party Partners

Baja: Edge of Control HDBioshock RemasteredBorderlands The Handsome CollectionBulletstorm: Full Clip EditionKingdoms of Amalur: Re-ReckoningLego Harry Potter Collection

Original PS3 Games (via streaming)

PlayStation Studios

Crash CommandoDemon’s SoulsechochromeHot Shots Golf: Out of BoundsHot Shots Golf: World InvitationalIcoInfamousInfamous 2Infamous: Festival of BloodLocoRoco Cocoreccho!MotorStorm ApocalypseMotorStorm RCPuppeteerrainRatchet & Clank: Quest For BootyRatchet & Clank: A Crack in TimeRatchet & Clank: Into the NexusResistance 3Super Stardust HDTokyo JungleWhen Vikings Attack

Third Party Partners

Asura’s WrathCastlevania: Lords of Shadow 2Devil May Cry HD CollectionEnslaved: Odyssey to the WestF.E.A.R.Lost Planet 2Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare

Time-Limited Game Trials

PlayStation Studios

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves CollectionHorizon Forbidden West

Third Party Partners

Cyberpunk 2077Farming Simulator 22Tiny Tina’s WonderlandWWE 2K22The Best PS5 Games In 2024See More

About Darryn Bonthuys

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