Wheaties is selling a special limited-edition Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 box for $45 that comes with a physical copy of the prequel comic. Additionally, the $70 version of the bundle that includes in a custom acrylic case for the comic has already sold out.
The box is a dual-facing one that includes both Peter Parker and Miles Morales on each side. Owners will also receive an exclusive digital collectible of the box that can be shown off in the mobile PlayStation app. The collectible is earned through PlayStation Stars, which is PlayStation’s loyalty program, and comes in the form of a PSN voucher. There will only be 2000 boxes printed in total.
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Of those 2,000 boxes, 500 of them will come with a custom acrylic case for the cereal box. This particular edition is $70 but has since sold out from its launch this morning.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 launches on October 20 for PlayStation 5. In GameSpot’s Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 review, we said, “All in all, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may largely give us more of what we’ve played in Insomniac’s previous Spider-Man games, but that winning formula is still so damn fun that it really doesn’t matter. The story’s exploration of loneliness is fantastic, creating gripping new narratives for the two heroes, Peter and Miles, as well as the two main villains, Kraven and Venom. Spider-Man 2 unites all four characters in a riveting narrative throughline you’ll want to see all the way through and has the gameplay hooks to keep you engaged the whole ride.”
For more, check out our look at all of the Spider-Man 2 suits and how to unlock them.
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