Spider-Man 2 – Find The Science Trophy Guide

Like Insomniac’s two Spider-Man games before it, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has a pretty easy Platinum Trophy to earn. There aren’t really any especially unforgiving Trophies standing in your way, save for a notable exception that may have you scratching your head as you fruitlessly scour the entirety of New York City. To earn the Just Let Go Trophy, you’ll need to find the science trophy Miles and Phin won together which you may recall from a flashback you witnessed during the events of Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

That’s going to be tricky as it’s quite small, meaning it’s pretty well hidden despite sitting in plain sight. And if you haven’t played Miles Morales, you may not even know where to start looking. Here’s how to unlock the Just Let Go Trophy.

Where is Miles and Phin’s science trophy in Spider-Man 2?

To earn the Just Let Go Trophy on PS5, you’ll have to be playing as Miles. Swing over to the Financial District in the southwest portion of the map. What you’re looking for can actually be deduced based on the final scene of Miles’ standalone game from 2020, where we see Miles leave the trophy that he and Phin earned in middle school atop Trinity Church.

Head to the spot shown on the map above and you’ll find the elaborate, yet relatively small, church nestled among several skyscrapers. Lo and behold, it’s not moved in all the months since the events of Miles Morales.

Head about two-thirds of the way up the steeple and you’ll see an interaction point. Approach it and press Triangle to interact with the blue cube. Miles will share some words on his memories of Phin, his fallen-from-grace bestie who’s no longer around. The PS5 trophy will pop and you’ll have completed a simple yet elusive step on the way to the Platinum Trophy.

About Mark Delaney

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