Splinter Cell Remake Loses Director

Fans rejoiced in late 2021 when Ubisoft revealed that it’s working on a Splinter Cell remake. However, that project’s director has apparently left the company, and it’s not clear what impact his departure will have.

As first spotted by VGC, director David Grivel announced the change on LinkedIn, saying that he was going on a “new adventure.” Grivel previously worked on Splinter Cell Blacklist, as well as a number of other Ubisoft franchises, including Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry. Last month, Ubisoft Toronto published a job posting that called for a scriptwriter to rewrite the original Splinter Cell’s story for modern audiences.

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Now Playing: What The Hell Happened To Splinter Cell

This would seem to reiterate that this Splinter Cell project is a wholesale remake of the original, similar to the upcoming Dead Space. We already know that this remake is being created in the Snowdrop engine, which is best-known for powering the Division series. Ubisoft’s new Star Wars game will also use Snowdrop.

Though the Splinter Cell franchise has enjoyed popular and critical acclaim over the years, it’s also struggled with its identity. The series’ two most recent entries, 2010’s Conviction and 2013’s Blacklist, both focused more on third-person shooter combat than its stealth foundation. It remains to be seen if this remake can capture the unique feel of the series’ heyday.

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About Steven T. Wright

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