Square Enix's Forspoken Gets Gorgeous Extended Trailer

Square Enix’s recently revealed and recently renamed action-adventure title Forspoken is back with an extended cut of the trailer first shown during the company’s livestream earlier this month. It doesn’t reveal any new information, but the two-minute long video showcases more gameplay and traversal as Frey Holland.

The video starts with actor Ella Balinska, known for her portrayal as Jane Kano in Elizabeth Banks’ Charlie’s Angels, talking about how Forspoken is the “first video game” she’s been involved in and playing protagonist Frey is the “first time [she’s done] performance capture.” Interspersed between the brief interview are cutscenes from Forspoken: Frey encountering that giant dragon, then hiding from it before asking if it’s gone, to which some ephemeral voice responds that the dragon left. It’s the same bit from the initial sneak peak.

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Now Playing: Forspoken – Official Title Announcement: Extended Gameplay Cut Trailer

What’s new, however, is just about everything after Balinska signs off. There are several instances of gameplay, like one sequence where we see Frey tell a bear to “f*** off” after blasting it with a magical cluster of rocks and another of Frey defending against what appears to be some sort of stone golems. There is also a traversal montage of Frey sprinting across the dilapidated and rocky lands of Athia at blistering speeds.

Developed Luminous Productions, the studio behind Final Fantasy XV, Forspoken is supposedly slated to launch on PC and PlayStation 5 in January 2022.

About jeremy winslow

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