Stadia Is "Alive And Well" With Over 100 New Games Launching This Year, Google Says

Despite the closure of Stadia Games & Entertainment, Google’s internal development studio, the streaming service Google Stadia is “alive and well,” developer marketing lead Nate Ahearn said.

Ahearn told that Stadia is doing just fine in the face of all the turbulence. In fact, Ahearn called attention to recent game launches on the Stadia platform as evidence of its health.

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Now Playing: The Rise And Fall Of Stadia Games And Entertainment

“We’re well on our way to over 100 new games launching on Stadia in 2021, and we’re continuing to make Stadia a great place to play games on devices you already own,” Ahearn said. “I’d tell any non-believers to take notice of how we’re continuing to put our words into action, as we grow the Stadia Makers program and partner with AAA studios like Capcom, EA, Square Enix, Ubisoft, and others.”

Google shuttered its internal game development studio Stadia Games & Entertainment earlier this year. 150 employees, including Assassin’s Creed producer Jade Raymond, were impacted by the sudden shuttering. Some found employment at Raymond’s new independent development house Haven Entertainment Studios, which is already hard at work on an original PlayStation IP. For others affected, however, the company said it would find roles for as much of the SG&E team as possible.

Now that Stadia Games & Entertainment has closed and Raymond has moved on to establish her own studio, Stadia’s product team is led by “long-time Googler and Stadia founder” Dov Zimring.

Stadia has seen some new games hit the platform recently like Resident Evil Village. This seemingly underscores a statement the company made in February that Stadia is primed to get 100 new games in 2021. Google also added a search bar to Stadia, a strange missing feature considering Google is a search bar company (as some were quick to point out online) and reports suggest it’s not that good.

About jeremy winslow

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