Stadia Is Officially Dead

Google Stadia, the cloud service once heralded as the future of gaming, has officially shut down. The shut-off is the final nail in a service that had many interesting ideas, but ultimately failed to make a compelling pitch to general video game consumers.

Though Stadia’s ultimate shutdown was announced in September 2022, many industry observers point to the shuttering of its first-party studios in early 2021 as the turning point for the service. The move surprised many, especially given that Google tapped several well-known figures in the gaming space to lead the studios, including former Ubisoft producer Jade Raymond.

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Now Playing: The Rise And Fall Of Stadia Games And Entertainment

Stadia has already begun issuing full refunds to all those who used the service, though Stadia Pro subscription fees are non-refundable. While some die-hard Stadia fans are still upset about the service’s demise, they remain convinced that cloud gaming has a bright future, pointing to Amazon, Xbox, and Nvidia’s services as steps in the right direction. It remains to be seen if cloud gaming will begin to supplant physical hardware in the coming years, but regardless of the outcome, Stadia won’t be around to see it. Still, it’s not all bad, as Google released a tool that allows you to reconfigure the service’s controller to work as a standard Bluetooth controller, so it’ll live on in some fashion.

About Steven T. Wright

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