Star Citizen Passes $400 Million In Funding

Star Citizen, the highly ambitious PC space sim from Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, has reached another massive funding milestone. The game has passed $400 million in funding, according to its public crowdfunding page.

The funding page reveals the game started the week on a strong note, raising $1.7 million on Sunday, November 21, before adding another $1.4 million on November 22.

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The game brings in money by selling ships and other extras, with funds going toward the ongoing development of the game. Star Citizen is playable and has been for yeas, though fans are still waiting for a “final” release at some point in the future.

The Star Citizen content roadmap shows what the studio’s various development teams are working on, and the schedule runs through the end of 2023. The latest update, version 3.15, was released on November 10 and it added five new locations and other updates. The next update, including additional locations, will be released in Q4 this year.

In addition to Star Citizen, Cloud Imperium is developing a single-player story game called Squadron 42 which features a long list of top talent such as Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, Gillian Anderson, and many more.

Star Citizen and Squadron 42 have been playable for years already in various alphas, and development remains ongoing to help spruce up the experience and build out the worlds.

About Eddie Makuch

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