Star Ocean: The Divine Force Revealed With First Trailer At PlayStation State Of Play

Star Ocean: The Divine Force was revealed at PlayStation’s October State of Play, being one of a dozen or so games to get a trailer during the livestream presentation. The debut trailer focuses on gameplay but revealed a few elements of the story as well.

Developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix, Star Ocean is an action-adventure RPG series that focuses on a choice-driven relationship system that shapes both the way characters interact with one another and how the story ultimately plays out.

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Now Playing: Star Ocean: The Divine Force Trailer | Playstation State of Play 2021

As seen in the trailer, The Divine Force tells a sci-fi fantasy story, featuring a roster of different playable characters and side stories–a similar setup to previous entries in the series. However, unlike previous games, it looks like The Divine Force will have a greater emphasis on exploration, giving characters more navigational-based mechanics (like a jetpack) to get around while on foot.

The Divine Force features two intertwining stories and two different protagonists. The first story focuses on a merchant vessel captain that comes from an advanced sci-fi-inspired civilization, while the second explores a princess who comes from a fantasy-inspired underdeveloped planet.

The Divine Force is scheduled to launch for PS5 and PS4 in 2022.

About Jordan Ramée

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