Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Lego Set Spotted Online

A upcoming sequel to Respawn’s Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is still far (far) away, but a Lego set based on the hit game might be on the way soon. According to German Lego blog Promobricks, a spotted a BD-1 set has been spotted in promotional materials.

According to the listing, the $100 set will have 1,062 parts and one mini-figure, which is presumed to be a small-scale model of BD-1 and Fallen Order protagonist Cal Kestis. Lego recently revealed the Mandalorian’s N-1 Starfighter set, which includes a BD Droid, so the company certainly has the mold to produce the figure in mass quantities. As for what the main build could be, the Stinger Mantis piloted by Greez Dritus would certainly make for a fun set to build.

Regarding the game itself, a sequel was officially announced by Electronic Arts in January alongside several other Star Wars projects feature Respawn in one capacity or another. DICE won’t be making Battlefront III, but a first-person shooter from the Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond team and a strategy game by Respawn alongside new studio Bit Reactor are all in development. All three of these games are being spearheaded by Respawn.

Outside of EA, you can also expect Star Wars: Eclipse from Heavy Rain developer Quantic Dream, Ubisoft is working on an open-world Star Wars game under the LucasFilm Games umbrella, and Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be out on April 5.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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