Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – How To Get Mounts

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has a bunch of places that you’ll visit, starting with the planet of Koboh. The vast countryside, forests, and jungles lead to long treks, and you might want something that can help with exploration. Here’s our guide to help you get mounts in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

How to get mounts in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

You’ll be able to get your first Star Wars Jedi: Survivor mount by progressing further in the story campaign, up to the point where you have to head to the Forest Array. As you advance further, Cal will encounter a Relter, a flying animals that slightly resembles a squirrel-bat hybrid. A short cutscene will play, where Cere teaches Cal new tricks. This will unlock the Tame ability/special action.

The Tame action can be used on friendly creatures that are central to storyline/mission progression. Don’t worry since the game will lead you down that path as you’re doing the campaign. Below, we detail all the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor mounts that we’ve seen so far.


The aforementioned Relter can be considered a mount since you do get to glide on one. However, the controls are limited (think on-rails as opposed to actual flight). The Relter will only fly to specific areas, though you can move sideways and drop off. There are also air vents that allow it to glide higher in mid-air.


The Nekko is obtained upon clearing the Forest Array segment of the campaign. This is a ground mount which you can fully control while you’re on Koboh. It’s got sturdy legs that allow it to climb sloping paths, which would normally cause Cal to slide and fall. Nekkos also allow Cal to do a mounted double jump to reach higher ledges.

Additionally, you’ll be able to bring one to the stables in Rambler’s Reach. Moreover, you can press the Call Mount button (i.e., Left Ctrl on PC, RB on an Xbox, or L1 on a PlayStation) to make the Nekko appear. You may need to move to certain locations or wider areas to make use of this function.

Another cool thing about riding a Nekko is that you’ll be able to engage in mounted combat. That means slashing foes with your Lightsaber or, once Blaster Stance is unlocked, shooting them with your firearm.


The Spamel is a long-legged creature that’s native to the deserts of Jedha, which you’ll visit as part of the campaign. Like the Nekko, it functions as a ground mount, and it won’t slide down sloping paths, too. Cal will also be able to jump off of one to reach higher ledges.

Manta Bats

We’re uncertain as to the official names of these creatures, so we’ve taken to calling them Manta Bats. They’re found on Jedha, and they have the same function as Relters in that they’ll fly from Point A to Point B only.

Speeder Bike

Lastly, you’ll be able to ride a Speeder Bike at a certain point in the campaign. It’s a vehicle, not a mount, but we’ve included it on this list nonetheless. We won’t spoil what happens during this part, though.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is a massive, open-world game, with numerous facets and secrets to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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