Star Wars Jedi: Survivor – New Game Plus And New Lightsaber Colors Guide

Your journey in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor can last dozens of hours. Eventually, though, the story has to end. Still, there’s more to do once you’re done with the campaign. Here’s our guide to help you with New Game Plus and new Lightsaber colors in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor New Game Plus and new Lightsaber colors guide

You’ll unlock the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor New Game Plus option after defeating the final boss and clearing the campaign. But, before we get to that, we have to mention that you can still continue playing the game using your main save. All planets and areas that you’ve been to before can be revisited, so you can freely acquire collectibles and complete rumors/sidequests at your leisure.

What carries over in New Game Plus

As for the Star Wars Jedi Survivor New Game Plus mode, you should see the Start New Journey+ option on the main menu. This will create a separate save file to differentiate it from your initial run.

There are some caveats when you begin a New Game Plus run. For instance, all your abilities will be reset. These consist of special actions, such as grapple upgrades or being able to pass through green barriers. You have to reacquire them once more.

Still, a bunch of stuff will be carried over:

Lightsaber stances – You can use Crossguard or Blaster Stance early on, though you still need to gain access to a Meditation Point.Cosmetics – Every new design for Cal Kestis, BD-1, Lightsabers, Blasters, and various color palettes will be available. Their respective chests will be empty on your next run.Resources – You get to keep all your resource collectibles. You won’t be able to grab the same ones on your next run. As for the NPCs themselves, you need to unlock their function, either via story progression or sidequest completion. You can learn more in our resource collectibles and vendors guide.Skill points – All the skill points you’ve amassed will carry over, but they’ll be reset. You’d have to reallocate them. You can learn more in our best skills guide.Perks – There are 25 perks/passives for your to discover, but only 22 will be available on your initial run. All of these will be retained when you start your New Game Plus campaign. You’ll also receive three additional perks, which we detail below.

New Lightsaber colors and perks

Apart from the above, you’ll also be able to unlock new perks and new Lightsaber colors in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. These perks don’t count toward the perk slot limit. As such, you can activate all three of them or none at all.

Warrior – Replaces standard enemies with more difficult combat encounters.Purity – Increases the damage dealt by Cal, friendlies, and enemies.Trendsetter – Randomize your equipped cosmetics on character death.

As for the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Lightsaber colors, you’ll receive two: Red (for those who are fans of the Sith), and Party (which is a multi-color option). These are not palettes for the parts, but actual blade colors. You can make changes once you gain access to a workbench.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor is a massive, open-world game, with numerous facets and secrets to discover. You can learn more in our guides hub.

About Jason Rodriguez

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