Star Wars Outlaws UI Is Straight From Solo: A Star Wars Story

Ubisoft has unveiled a brand-new Star Wars Outlaws gameplay trailer teasing stealth combat, space dogfights, and impressive UI.

Outlaws is a game focused on the scoundrels, scum, and villainy of the Star Wars universe, a massive and refreshing change from our usual focus on the Jedi. It’s clear that Ubisoft is leaning into that aesthetic from what we’ve already seen from the enemy types from several confirmed crime syndicates–like the Pykes, the Syndicate, and the Hutt clan–but it’s also obvious by the gorgeous UI and font.

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Now Playing: Star Wars Outlaws: Official Gameplay Walkthrough | Ubisoft Forward

When the playable protagonist Kay Vess either enters a new location–like Jaunta’s Hope on the planet of Toshara–or completes a quest, colorful banners of text will appear notifying the player. The font and style of the text are very reminiscent of Solo: A Star Wars Story, and even Marvel’s Star Wars Bounty Hunter comics.

The unique UI style is very distinct and unlike the simple, elegant text we’re so used to seeing in games like Star Wars: Jedi Survivor–which perfectly emulates the feel of the Jedi and the golden era of The High Republic. It’s refreshing, and even if it’s a small aspect of such a big open-world game, it’s satisfying to see it correlate well with the vibe of Outlaws.

Aside from the UI, Outlaws also evokes the retro style of Star Wars with our protagonist Kay. Her entire look, including outfit and hairstyle, brings forth thoughts of the 70s and 80s. Kay shooting first like the scoundrel she is during an escape gone wrong is comparable to the infamous cantina scene from A New Hope, featuring Han Solo himself and bounty hunter Greedo.

In GameSpot’s interview with game director Mathias Karlson and narrative director Navid Khavari, the developers divulged even more details about Outlaws, including what kind of person Kay is, her relationship with her adorable companion Nix, and what exploring the galaxy between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi will be like.

Star Wars Outlaws is set to launch on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PC in 2024.

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About Demi Williams

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