Star Wars: The Old Republic – Legacy Of The Sith Expansion Delayed To 2022

The eighth expansion for EA and BioWare’s long-running MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic, has been delayed until February 15, 2022.

Legacy of the Sith is a big and, in a way, celebratory expansion for the MMO that’s just shy of turning 10 years old, with new gameplay mechanics, all-new story content, and more planned for launch. Some of this has been in testing already, and developer BioWare says feedback from players has been invaluable to development. But with that the team has recognized that more time is required.

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“Legacy of the Sith is something the team has been hard at work on for quite a while but as we get ever closer to launch, it is clear that we need a bit more time,” wrote project director Keith Kanneg on the game’s official website. “We’re focusing additional testing on the many areas we have changed throughout the game to deliver the experience we want, and one that you deserve.”

Many of the new mechanics that will be introduced with this new expansion, such as Combat Styles, will be reintroduced into public test servers soon for additional player-feedback. Story content will be omitted to prevent spoilers before launch.

Legacy of the Sith is set to take players to the new planet of Manaan, which plays host to a massive military campaign with the goal of securing the land for your faction. The level cap is being raised to 80, which will play nicely with new weapon and ability combinations offered by Combat Styles. A new Flashpoint is also set to be introduced on the planet Elom, with an additional Operation for players to complete there, too.

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About Alessandro Barbosa

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