Stardew Valley Patch 1.5.5 Adds Even More Mod Support

Stardew Valley’s update 1.1.5 is officially live and features more modding support, along with several quality-of-life improvements.

Patch 1.1.5 is a rather small update so it doesn’t include any major gameplay content, but the patch does include various internal changes for mod authors, as well as general, localization, and cosmetic fixes.

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Developer Eric Barone also said that patch 1.5.6 update is currently in development and he’s currently working with PathosChild, the creator of SMAPI (a modding tool used for Stardew Valley) to add even more modding support to the game, including some long-requested changes which should make some aspects of modding much easier in the future.

As well as new mod support, quality of life improvements have also been made, including a new keybind allowing for players to hold CTRL to purchase stacks of 25 items at a time. Additionally, when starting a new save, settings will now default to what they were the last time the game was played, letting players avoid the hassle of switching up their UI and controls once again.

Stardew Valley 1.1.5 Patch notes

Architectural changes

Migrated the game from XNA (targeting .NET Framework 4.5.2) to MonoGame (targeting .NET 5). This futureproofs the game and allows mods to access more than 4 gigs of RAM.Made various internal changes for mod authors.

Quality-of-life changes

Holding the CTRL key in addition to shift now lets you purchase/craft stacks of 25 items at a time.When starting a new save, many settings now default to what they were the last time you played the game. Some settings like zoom level, gamepad mode, and multiplayer server privacy aren’t copied over.You can now build or move farm buildings onto artifact spots. This destroys the artifact spots.You can now nudge pets out of the way while building/moving a building by clicking on them.You can now buy back items accidentally sold in the same shopping session.The in-game time is now shown on the upper-right hand corner of the screen when playing Journey of the Prairie King in multiplayer.Grass placed using Grass Starter during Winter no longer disappears when the game is reloaded (but it still won’t grow or spread).

Localization fixes

Fixed Shane’s 6-heart event soft-locking in the Hungarian translation.Fixed incorrect backslash characters in various events in the Hungarian localization.Fixed typos in the French localization.Fixed a typo in Livin’ Off The Land that incorrectly states that Super Cucumber can be caught in Winter.

Cosmetic fixes

Added commas to the price display on the various building construction menus.Adjusted collisions in the Calico Desert to avoid a minor sorting issue on the top-left edge of the raised cliffside.Fixed issue where Sebastian’s sprite would shift into an invalid position at 1:00 PM when he’s working on his bike on the farm.

General fixes

After completing the Cryptic Note quest, subsequently reaching the 100th floor of the Skull Cavern will guarantee a loot chest.Fixed an issue where hard mode mines could become permanently enabled.The Blacksmith profession now affects Radioactive Bars.Garden Pots no longer lose any applied fertilizers when they are harvested from.Fixed the explosion radius not being centered when dislodging flooring and certain other types of items.When placing a Garden Pot on Ginger Island on a rainy day, it will now spawn with its dirt correctly watered.Fixed an issue where moving a cabin with a cellar would cause the stairs to the cellar to warp the players out of bounds for the rest of the play session.Fixed a case where entering the Farm from the south on horseback and triggering an event could cause the player to get stuck in a wall.Fixed various invisible tiles preventing certain spots in the Mountain lake from spawning fish activity bubbles.Fixed the tile holding the plant on Elliott’s table not being passable from behind.Fixed some tiles on the left side of the beach farm being unbuildable.Best Multiplayer Nintendo Switch Games: Couch Co-Op And Online MultiplayerSee More

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