Starfield Does Have A Physical Disc After All

After about a day of confusion, Bethesda clarifies that its upcoming space RPG Starfield will have a physical disc.

According to a Starfield blog post posted on June 11, it reveals that a game disc will be included with the purchase of the Xbox Standard Edition. The post reads, “Starfield Standard Edition is included with Xbox Game Pass. Game disc included with physical purchases of Xbox Standard Edition.” It’s also worth mentioning that PC players won’t receive a disc but instead will receive a game code.

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Now Playing: Starfield Direct – 45 Minute Gameplay Deep Dive

The confusion of whether Starfield will come with a physical disc stems from a now-deleted tweet posted yesterday, June 25. In the tweet, a fan asked Bethesda Support if Starfield will have a disc, and Bethesda responded by saying:

“Hello! All physical editions include a code for the chosen platform. There are no physical discs.”

Starfield was originally announced in 2018 at E3 (RIP) and is the first new IP to come out of the studio in the past 25 years. During the Xbox Games Showcase 2023, a lot more information was revealed about the game. For instance, the game will have over 1,000 planets to explore, a comprehensive skill tree, intense space fights, and more.

Starfield can be preordered right now at Amazon , and if you’re a PC gamer, you can save some extra cash by preordering it from specific sites. To help ensure you snag the proper Starfield goodies, check out our preorder guide for more information.

For more Starfield-related news, check out our story on how it could have been a PlayStation exclusive and why Starfield being an Xbox-Exclusive is a good thing, according to a Bethesda exec.

Xbox Games Showcase And Starfield Direct: The Biggest AnnouncementsSee More

About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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