Starfield Gameplay Revealed For First Time At Xbox Showcase

Starfield is a hugely anticipated game, marking the first single-player RPG for Bethesda Game Studios in more than seven years. It was the final game shown during the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase on June 12. We got an extended look at the game in action, including combat, ship creation, and the environments. It’s certainly shaping up to be an enormous game, and the huge chunk it was given at the show reflected that.

Microsoft closed out its briefing with the first-ever gameplay of Starfield. Bethesda’s Todd Howard introduced fans to a sequence on the planet Kreet in the year 2330. The gameplay footage showed first-person gameplay of the player entering a space station and vanquishing enemies with a machine gun, and, later, a powerful shotgun.

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Now Playing: Starfield Gameplay Reveal | Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase 2022

The footage also showed off a lock-picking gameplay mechanic as well as some third-person shooting sequences. The footage also showed off the game’s capital city, New Atlantis, which appears to be a big, bustling city where players will accept missions and learn more about the world.

Starfield’s character creation system was also on display in the footage, and Howard called it Bethesda’s most extensive yet. There are optional traits that players can select, too, and these each come with advantages and disadvantages. What’s more, Starfield will even let players create and customize their own space ships, and then fly them.

In discussing the size of Starfield, Howard also confirmed that Starfield has more than 1,000 planets, and each one is open and available for players to explore.

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About Eddie Makuch

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