During the deep dive into Starfield, Bethesda revealed that it’s bringing back a fan-favorite meme from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Your adoring fan is back, and you can once again put up with his extremely overbearing affection.
The presentation outlined the optional Traits system, which lets you pick up to three special traits that will change the game in various ways. These are fully optional, but the presentation showed off a few of them as examples. One was called “Hero Worshipped,” which caused a bright-blonde man to run up and lavish you with praise. The studio said he’ll go on to join your crew and shower you with gifts.
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Eagle-eyed Bethesda fans recognize that face as belonging to the Adoring Fan, a character from Oblivion who became a meme. He no longer has elven ears, but the face and mannerisms are definitely the same. The dialogue box even refers to him as “Adoring Fan” when he approaches you.
Bethesda design director Emil Pagliarulo said “sorry not sorry” about the inclusion of the intentionally annoying character.
The deep dive on Starfield detailed lots of other aspects of the game, including combat, space exploration, ship customization, and of course, collector’s editions and new hardware to match the big fall release. Starfield is coming September 6.
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