Steam Deck Delayed To February 2022

Steam Deck, the Switch-like portable PC from Valve, has been delayed. Citing shortages caused by the global supply chain issues, the company has issued a statement saying that it will now start shipping in February 2022.

With the new ship date, everyone in the queue will be moved back by two months from their original estimate. So if your Steam Deck was estimated for January 2022, it will now be estimated to ship in March. In its statement Valve apologized for the delay and promised to keep users updated going forward.

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Now Playing: Steam Deck Introducing Deck Verified

Steam Deck was announced earlier this year, promising a handheld-like experience that uses the Steam interface to play your PC games. The device starts at $400, but scales up to $650 for the highest storage and some extra hardware features. Valve took preorders with a $5 deposit, with plans to charge the full purchase price once shipments begin going out. Since then Valve has been showing off games that work on Steam Deck, as well as warning against tinkering too much. For more details, check out everything we know about the Steam Deck.

You can read the full statement below:

The launch of Steam Deck will be delayed by two months. We’re sorry about this–we did our best to work around the global supply chain issues, but due to material shortages, components aren’t reaching our manufacturing facilities in time for us to meet our initial launch dates.

Based on our updated build estimates, Steam Deck will start shipping February 2022. This will be the new start date of the reservation queue—you will keep your place in line but dates will shift back accordingly. Reservation date estimates will be updated shortly after this announcement.

Again, we’re sorry we won’t be able to make our original ship date. We’ll continue working to improve reservation dates based on the new timeline, and will keep you updated as we go.

About Steve Watts

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