Just how well will your games play on the Steam Deck when it launches on February 25? Fan site Steam Deck Verified by AveryCafe aims to answer that question, as it pulls data directly from the Steam Database to create an easily-accessible hub of crucial information.
Put a game’s name into the search bar, and you’ll be able to see if it supports a range of features such as legible interface text, default controller configuration support, and more. So far the site has 258 games listed, of which 112 of them are categorized as verified.
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A game that’s “Verified” on the Steam Deck will run with no adjustments necessary, while a yellow symbol for “Playable” games will require some tweaking to have it perform smoothly. Most importantly, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is listed as one of the verified games, which is the only reason you need to spend $600 on a Steam Deck. Other highlights on the Verified list include the delightful Death’s Door, Portal 2, and God of War.
As Valve explained in its verification system, a grey icon for “Unsupported” means that the game will not work on the handheld PC. Some of the games that won’t be playable include Black Desert, Conan Exiles, and Dead by Daylight due to unsupported anti-cheat configurations.
For more details on the Steam Deck, you can check out everything that we know about the Switch-like system and how games will benefit from AMD FSR support straight out of the box.
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