Streaming To Twitch From Xbox Is Getting Easier

Microsoft has announced that it has teamed up with Twitch to make streaming directly from the Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One much easier for players.

In a new Xbox blog post, a software engineer for Xbox platform services, Brenna Duffitt, shared that following feedback from players, Microsoft has re-engineered its console’s livestreaming feature in order to make navigation simpler.

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With the update, from the Xbox Series X|S or Xbox One console, players will be able to navigate to the “Capture and Share” tab on the guide and select “Live streaming.” In order to stream, players will need to link their Twitch accounts by scanning the QR code with an iOS or Android mobile device, or by navigating to the URL. From there, a “Go live now” button will appear which will allow players to instantly go live and start streaming their games.

With this new feature, streamers will also be able to adjust their stream audio and resolution from a selection of options, including 720p, as well as change mic, game, and party chat levels. There’s also an option to set a stream title from the options panel and, to make things look more professional, a pause screen will be displayed when players aren’t in-game.

In addition, players who follow each other on Xbox can choose to receive notifications when they go live on Twitch. To enable this, they’ll just have to navigate to the Xbox Notifications located in the “Preferences” menu and adjust the livestreaming settings.

Elsewhere, the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of Cyberpunk 2077 have finally launched alongside patch 1.5 and includes ray tracing features, 4K with dynamic scaling, and faster load times.

About Demi Williams

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