Street Fighter 6 Adds Denuvo Support Days Before Launch

Ahead of its anticipated launch on June 2, the Steam listing for the PC version of Street Fighter 6 has been updated to include a reference to Denuvo Anti-Tamper systems being included at launch.

The listing change, which can be seen on the game’s changelog on Steam DB, references both Denuvo Anti-Tamper as well as a system to limit the use of a single game key to five PCs a day. Anti-Tamper is a popular solution used to protect a game’s source code, with Denuvo claiming to protect against efforts such as reverse engineering that could help pirates crack the game. This has frequently been circumvented in the past, so it is not entirely a silver bullet.

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What makes this contentious is down to the issues some legitimate players of Denuvo-supported games experience, particularly degraded performance that has been traced back to the inclusion of the anti-tamper systems. There’s no way of knowing yet if these issues will manifest in Street Fighter 6, but the decision to announce Denuvo’s inclusion this close to launch will likely take some players by surprise.

Capcom has made extensive use of Denuvo products, including support in games like Resident Evil 4, Monster Hunter Rise, and more. Older titles, such as Monster Hunter World, do not make use of Denuvo, while Resident Evil Village was recently updated to remove support.

Thankfully, Street Fighter 6 is a return to form for the fighting game franchise, offering fresh ways for new and returning players alike to get a lot out of the new, deep mechanics and wealth of content. In GameSpot’s 9/10 Street Fighter 6 review, we wrote, “Street Fighter 6 learns an immediate lesson from the content-bare release of its predecessor, as it offers a variety of significant features and modes right out of the gate. It is a robust, fighting game that is of a premiere quality.”

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About Alessandro Barbosa

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